If you are like me you carry at least 8 tonnes of makeup and self care products, disclaimer most airlines DON'T like this. Most of the time my luggage does not fit all my normal products, which proves a problem. Now days I tend to travel with hand luggage only which definitely means I can't bring everything I want so here are my top tricks and tips
1. Bring a good make up bag
A good makeup bag is a girls essential in traveling the challenge is finding one that works for you. You have two main options when going on a flight use a fabric one and put liquids in ziplock bags or find a flight approved one. My personal preference here is to put all liquids like shampoos in a flight approved waterproof bag. This also helps me keep organised as I don't have to have two different "categories" of toiletries crammed in one place. As for makeup place them in ziplock bags within a fabric makeup bag. A good fabric makeup bag is normally one which is slightly expandable at the bottom with plenty of room. In terms of where to find these water proof ones can be found on Amazon and many other beauty sites (I'll link some below). For fabric my personal favourites come from Urban Outfitters, Gisou or Amazon as well!
Links to Sites with these makeup bags <3
Soft Pink Clear Makeup Case, Beauty Pie: https://www.beautypie.com/products/transparent makeup-case gclid=CjwKCAiAhqCdBhB0EiwAH8M_GkHnGDVkoTVtcRDp7AaEnOtf8Pqq9SplcmIBScs-sDLcYFurvs6hqxoCU4wQAvD_BwE
Clear White Washbag, Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Toiletry-Makeup-Cosmetic-Transparent-Travel/dp/B0B5QTPW2N/ref=sr_1_18?crid=1ID8QFB0EB71B&keywords=aesthetic%2Bmakeup%2Bbag&qid=1672004804&sprefix=aesthetic%2B%2Caps%2C63&sr=8-18&th=1
Organisation Cosmetic Bag, Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Capacity-Cosmetic-Organizer-Water-Resistant-Multifunction/dp/B0B6F7LFJH/ref=sr_1_19?crid=1ID8QFB0EB71B&keywords=aesthetic%2Bmakeup%2Bbag&qid=1672004804&sprefix=aesthetic%2B%2Caps%2C63&sr=8-19&th=1
Fluffy Cosmetic Bag, Urban Outfitters: https://www.urbanoutfitters.com/en-gb/shop/fluffy-borg-makeup-bag?category=SEARCHRESULTS&color=012&searchparams=q%3Dmake%2520up%2520bag&type=REGULAR&size=ONE%20SIZE&quantity=1
Blue and White Cosmetic Bag, Urban Outfitters: https://www.urbanoutfitters.com/en-gb/shop/uo-wavy-checkerboard-corduroy-makeup-bag?category=SEARCHRESULTS&color=040&searchparams=q%3Dmake%2520up%2520bag&type=REGULAR&size=ONE%20SIZE&quantity=1
Gisou Floral Makeup Bag: https://uk.gisou.com/blogs/blog/new-limited-edition-gisou-carry-all-bag
2. In terms of liquids bring minis
Mini liquids are your best friend as a traveler especially with liquid limits on hand luggage. In particular my go to's are shampoos, conditioners, body wash, scrub, lotion and perfume! The basic hair and body care can be found at your local pharmacy or cosmetic store. I find many of mine in The Body Shop or even in Boots, often in these types of shops there is a particular section filled with these minis. They are not difficult to find and are a life saver. Often you find even major brands are doing travel sized products including many perfume companies like Dior, Jo Malone and Giorgio Armani.
Sites for Travel Minis <3
Mini Ms. Dior: https://www.dior.com/en_gb/beauty/products/Y0996081-miss-dior-absolutely-blooming-roller-pearl
Boots Travel Toiletries: https://www.boots.com/travel-toiletries
Body Shop Travel Toiletries: https://www.thebodyshop.com/en-gb/trending/travel-sizes/c/c02023
3. Mini Non-Liquids (Brushes, Razors, etc.)
We often neglect many of these small things like cotton pads, face rollers, shaving razors, tooth brushes and makeup brushes. These things take up an unbelievable amount of room in your bags and by switching it up for minis really pays off. I find the main difference in my packing was switching to mini makeup brushes as not only did I have so much more room for products I actually needed but it also prevented my brushes from being ruined due to being crushed in a full makeup bag. I find in regards to cotton pads it helps if you switch to reusable ones, bring one or two on holiday and that's all you need! Cotton pads are a necessity when getting unready and forgetting them and using makeup remover on toilet paper or tissue is not good for your skin!
Link to the Minis <3
Mini Face Razors, Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Eyebrow-Trimmer-Shaver-Remover-Cosmetic/dp/B00YH1O7FW/ref=asc_df_B00YH1O7FW/?tag=&linkCode=df0&hvadid=430970648805&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17397766674576885413&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9050373&hvtargid=pla-920787377689&ref=&adgrpid=103180007714&th=1
Mini Makeup Brushes, Real Techniques: https://www.boots.com/real-techniques---winter-escape-mini-brush-set-10313416
Reusable Cotton Pads, Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/LAKESTON-Cotton-Reusable-Makeup-Remover-Pads/dp/B0927BJ6XD/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=2DO5747J8EF7H&keywords=reusable+makeup+remover+pads&qid=1672006931&s=beauty&sprefix=re%2Cbeauty%2C64&sr=1-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
Mini Tooth Brush, Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/SWKJ-Toothbrushes-Toothbrush-Eco-Friendly-Packaging/dp/B09R74R5YC/ref=sr_1_7?crid=2HLKNXBBNJIKZ&keywords=travel+toothbrush&qid=1672006692&s=drugstore&sprefix=travel+%2Cdrugstore%2C59&sr=1-7
Mini Venus Razor, Boots: https://www.boots.com/venus-snap-comfortglide-spa-breeze-womens-on-the-go-razor-10262719
4. Travel size Makeup
Travel size makeup is another type of mini that makes my life so much easier. Not to mention that most popular brands sell them in stores and online. The best makeup minis to buy in my opinion are mascaras, lip products, bronzer, blush and makeup palettes. The makeup palettes you can't always necessarily find in "travel size" so my tip is to use one which has 3 to 4 colours in it. For example I frequently use a MAC palette that has 4 of my most used colours. You can often customise what colours you want in a specialty palette from many brands like MAC. Mini mascaras are also super handy and easy to find last minute in an airport (where I got mine), I recently found out some of my fav products are in travel size! I bet we all have heard of lip oils and Clarins has released a set of four minis which are adorable!
Links for Mini Makeup <3
Mini Clarins Lip Oils: https://www.johnlewis.com/clarins-beautiful-lips-collection-makeup-gift-set/p109242266
5. Fresh Products
Bring products to refresh yourself during your journey, when I get off a plane I always feel super messy and bleh. What I do to combat this annoying "lack of freshness" is bring products I find refreshing in my handbag. These may include calming balms, face creams, face wipes, facial sprays, essential oils or whatever you find calming. Find what scent makes you feel clean and fresh, the most effective ones for me include eucalyptus, mint and tea tree, these all wake me up after a long flight. Also don't forget to bring cleaning up products like lip gloss, hand sanitizer, mini hair brush, Vaseline, hand cream, perfume and whatever you find fit here.
Links to the Refreshing Products <3
Calming Serum, Rituals: https://www.rituals.com/en-gb/the-ritual-of-jing-relaxing-serum-1115078.html
Mini Mario Badesco Sprays: https://www.beautybay.com/p/mario-badescu/the-mini-mist-collection/
Touchland Sanitizer: https://www.revolve.com/touchland-glow-mist-rejuvenating-hand-sanitizer/dp/TLAN-WU17/?d=Womens&page=1&lc=1&itrownum=1&itcurrpage=1&itview=05
Mini L'Occitane Handcreams: https://uk.loccitane.com/hand-cream-travel-sizes,83,1,39672,0.htm#maxp=20&nbproducts=12
What to Avoid
1. Overpacking, bring only what you need
2. Bringing more than 2 makeup bags (they take up a lot of valuable room)
3. Don't bring powder products unless they are well protected, they often get crushed and broken in a full suitcase
4. Try to avoid bringing full sized products
5. Cramming your makeup bag, this is how things break!
I hope this helped with the madness of packing! Until next time xx
All pictures of the products belong to their companies and brands